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Open flames, red-hot cooking surfaces, and a heavily greaseladen environment combine to make the modern commercial kitchen a potentially dangerous fire hazard. Kitchen fires spread quickly and have proven to be very difficult to extinguish, making them the leading cause of structural fire damage. Protecting the modern commercial kitchen from the everpresent danger of cooking oil & grease fires is the reason we developed. The NAFFCO Kitchen MisterSystem.
Utilizing state of the art misting technology, the Kitchen Mister System has proven to be the most effective fixed kitchen fire extinguishing system ever developed, extinguishing potentially deadly kitchen fires fast, before they can spread. That’s why the Kitchen Mister System is quickly becoming the preferred choice of fire protection professionals throughout the world.
The models NF-KS5, NF-KS10, NF-KS15 and NFKS20 cylinders are designated by flow point capacity (so the NF-KS5 supports five (5) flow points) instead of the amount of agent they hold. Recharge is available in 5 and 10 flow point containers so there’s never a chance of error.
All five (5) Kitchen Mister nozzles come equipped with a color identification band, red, blue, green, white and yellow. This allows for easy identification of the nozzle even when it’s installed in difficult locations such as a duct or plenum area. The nozzle is also stamped with its model number.
· Uncomplicated system design eliminates design and installation errors.
· Installation time significantly reduced.
· Innovative design eliminates conduit and corner pulleys.
· Advanced detection system installs quickly and easily.
· Color-coded nozzles for easy identification.
· Flexible piping requirements allow for unlimited system configurations.
· Best coverage in industry.
· Online & face to face training.